We’re definitely on to something..

Today is an important day. Can you guess what it is?
It marks the one-month point since we brought AreaEcho out of private beta and opened it to the public.
This morning, I wrote all of our customers to thank them for putting their trust in a new concept. In that email, I included some information I think would be helpful to list here, so I’m going to go ahead and publish it here as well.
We made some great achievements in our first month
- I am happy to report that we have been able to over-deliver for every single web campaign. As all of our customers saw in their weekly reports, our 10,000 impression promise was easily achieved on every campaign. While the number of impressions varied in large part on the customer’s industry and geographic targets, we saw great numbers and didn’t fall short on even one single campaign!
- Even though we went over on everyone’s impressions, we were able to keep our costs in line with our projections.
What this means for our customers is, even though we are over-delivering, we’re going to leave the plans as-is for now. We’re not going to charge more, and we don’t have any plans to “throttle” or scale back anyone’s impressions.
You asked, we’ve answered
As you can imagine as this has come together, we have had a lot of questions asked, but one in particular keeps coming at us over and over. So lets go ahead and cover that one now:
Q: Why does one particular site seem to show my ads more often?
A: We have a curated list of approximately 300 websites that we place your banners on. The display patterns of your ads will most likely match the websites that the users we target for you visit most often. For instance, for REALTORs, we have found a high-percentage of YouTube views. Mortgage Brokers tend to be seen more on Realtor.com, and painting contractors seem to have the most success on news websites. Again, this is really dependent on which sites your potential customers visit after they come on our radar.
A note to current customers: If you have any questions or want us to tweak your display settings to try and increase or decrease a certain site, simply give us a call. The sites themselves have the ultimate say over which ads get shown and which don’t, but we will do everything we can to get your campaign where you want it to be.